Border Crossing Journalism
News English Channels
Social Media Editor
If you're passionate about political, economic, and social topics across Europe, have experience in social media editing, and are a pro at using photo, video, and audio software, we want to hear from you!

The Personal is Political: Voices of Queer Resilience
"Personal is Political" is an online issue by Unit featuring 15 narratives of queer resilience, including disability rights, gender transition, police brutality, and migration. Meet the editors and authors.

Kitchen Talks
Decolonial Queer Perspectives
This kitchen talk is dedicated to the presentation of an online issue on a topic of “Decoloniality'' created by Unit, a network for journalists who write on LGBTIQ+ topics.

We present images of Ukrainians sheltering in Kyiv and Kharkiv subways, one of the safest places during Russian attack
Next Station Ukraine in Prague
Starting on May 1st and running until May 15th, an exhibition called Next Station: Ukraine will be on display in three of Prague's subway stations.
The faces of our network

Ervin Gueth journalist, editor

Saltanat Shoshanova Project Manager UNIT

Elisa Spreter Financial Department

Eva Famulla

Elisabeth Lehmann Freelance journalist

Stefan Günther n-ost photo

Fermin Torrano

Silviu Mihai East Europe Correspondent

Jan Balster freelance writer

Natalia Konyashina Video-Journalist, VJ

Edda Schlager Freelance correspondent

Eva Konzett
Our products